Facebook Fanpages are a budget friendly alternative to developing a full website.  Some business owners don’t have the time to worry about all the facets not pertaining to directly working with customers.   This is why we have developed this as an affordable option as a pre-cursor to your website development.   Initially no other hosting or web companies were doing this type of function before our company.   Part of our unique customization service includes a fully customized and branded banner to represent your company.  A profile picture, or graphic to match your banner.   We also for a small additional charge will customize a pin graphic that you can pin to the top of your Facebook page siting your specials.  We also will route a company specific domain name to your Fanpage so that business owners can easily find you online and can come directly to your Facebook page for business.  (*This is the unique thing we did that no other business were doing, and now as you can see many hosting companies are offering this an an extended domain services option!*)

Our Portfolio

Here is a listing of customized Facebook fanpages we have created for business owners.